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Install OpenCV and TensorFlow-Python

First i would like to brief you about What is OpenCV and TensorFlow.

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is an open source image processing library.The OpenCV library contains more than 2500 algorithms for image processing and machine learning.With these algorithms, facial recognition, discrimination of objects, detection of human movements, object classification, plate identification, operations on three dimensional image can be done easily.OpenCV is a platform independent library that can run on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Android, Mac OS and IOS platforms.OpenCV applications can be easily developed with C ++, C, Python, Java, and Matlab programming languages.

TensorFlow is Google's open source machine learning library and is used especially for deep learning.In addition to being open source, TensorFlow is preferred because it has a company like Google behind it, and it uses the Python programming language. Projects developed with many machine learning libraries are usually developed using Python. Python is highly preferred due to its rapid development and community support .

I'm using Windows OS therefore the steps will be appropriate for it and using Python.pip -one of the nice parts of Python- helped me installation.Before installing OpenCV, we need to load the numpy package, which is its requirement.We must type the following at the command line

py -m pip install numpy

We can install OpenCV library after installing.!!!!Before the install opencv  i saw the that post which is about the support which  OpenCV version supports the Python.There lot of post on internet about that topic.After its appropriate i typed the following at command line

py -m pip install opencv-python .

 If you meet a problem you can write that line

pip install opencv-python== 

which returns the which versions are appropriate.After the installation we can check that it has been successfully uploaded by typing

 import cv2

 If nothing is uploaded succesfly.

For installation tensorFlow i wrote this line

pip install --upgrade tensorflow .
But TensorFlow has some requirements.The requirement written their website.
After the installation check it has been succesfully uploaded by typing

import tf

If nothing is uploded succesfully.


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